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This master thesis is based on academic literature study, professional research journals and publications, interview with business organizations currently working on service oriented I presentarchitecture. guidelines that can be of assistance to migrate from legacy systems to service-oriented architecture based on the analysis Thesis proposal on "Requirement engineering process for service oriented software development This paper explains that service orientation architectures are required because of the significant increase in the amount of data and information, which companies and organization have to handle, and a substantial increase in the complexity of the technologies, which store this information received from a multiplicity of sources

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10/12/ · A Service Oriented Architecture For Automated Machine Learning At Enterprise-Scale This thesis presents a solution architecture for productizing machine learning models in an enterprise context and, tracking the model’s performance to gain insights on how and when to retrain the model. There are two challenges which this thesis deals with “A Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a software architecture that is based on the key concepts of an application frontend, service, service repository, and service bus” Service-oriented architecture (SOA), Web services, and service-oriented computing (SOC) have become the buzz wor ds of the day for many in the business world. It seems that virtually every company Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
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This thesis investigates the impact of implementing Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using open source or proprietary software products within Vattenfall, from technological and financial perspectives. For this purpose, different technical and non-technical function blocks are identified Detection of Antipatterns from Service Oriented Architecture A Post Graduate Thesis submitted to the Department of Computer Science as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award o f Degree of PhD in Computer Science. Supervisor Dr. Ghulam Rasool Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science COMSATS University Islamabad Towards Evaluating Service Oriented Architectures Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (by Research) in Computer Science by Amit Sangroya amit Software Engineering Research Lab INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (Deemed University

Diploma Thesis, 2006
10/12/ · A Service Oriented Architecture For Automated Machine Learning At Enterprise-Scale This thesis presents a solution architecture for productizing machine learning models in an enterprise context and, tracking the model’s performance to gain insights on how and when to retrain the model. There are two challenges which this thesis deals with 2 T HESIS O BJECTIVE This thesis aims at developing a guideline that can be used when introducing service-oriented architecture through the use of Web services especially when migrating from legacy systems and financial implications for such an investment. Adopting any form of technology, architecture or services in organizations require a serious thought This thesis investigates the impact of implementing Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using open source or proprietary software products within Vattenfall, from technological and financial perspectives. For this purpose, different technical and non-technical function blocks are identified

161 Pages, Grade: 1,3
Several literatures have been published about the semantic web services being the solution to interoperability challenges within the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) framework. The aim of this dissertation was to find out, if the introduction of the semantic layer into the SOA infrastructure will actually solve these challenges 10/12/ · A Service Oriented Architecture For Automated Machine Learning At Enterprise-Scale This thesis presents a solution architecture for productizing machine learning models in an enterprise context and, tracking the model’s performance to gain insights on how and when to retrain the model. There are two challenges which this thesis deals with 07/04/ · SOA, or service-oriented architecture, defines a way to make software components reusable and interoperable via service interfaces. Services use common interface standards and an architectural pattern so they can be rapidly incorporated into new applications. This removes tasks from the application developer who previously redeveloped or
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